Aug 17, 2015

What is it anyway?

This is the sun at 4:30 pm on Friday August 17th as there was so much smoke in the air from the fires burning hundreds of miles away but we get the wind direction our way.
I included the edge of a building on East Sprague and there were clouds passing through the shot. At times the sun just disappeared from view.
This shot may be out of focus or it shows the separation between the sun and the glow of the nuclear blasts emanating from it.
Our Saturday run session for a family that asked if we could run trains for them got Steve Welton and I running a diesel coal train and my UP Big Boy with the military train.
Something of a rare occasion was this New York Central Heritage unit passing through Spokane last week. I didn't shoot it but it was sent to me by a fellow railfan of note. Nice catch! The Central is long gone but the owner Norfolk Southern has a number of their units painted in predessor colors. Oh yea, BNSF has logos on their grain cars of their group. None on their BNSF cop cars.
Last but not least are these plaques I made for Mike and Bob Applegate that they can hang on their walls in their train rooms. They are NP fans and have been members of the Evergreen train club for almost 7 years. They both live far away and visit the club on occasion but their involvement has been valuable and are part of our success as a train club and I wanted to thank them while I still had the ability to make the plaques for them. Member Bob Gadsby made he art. Thanks guys! They are in the mail to Whitefish!

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