Aug 14, 2014

Mine your own business ....with a train!

Let's say you own a piece of property and someone tells you  its worth a fortune but you need to go down 500, 700, or 1000 feet
to find it. What do you do to bring it up to the top?
Build a railroad would be one answer. That's what they did in Utah to bring out the copper ore so we can have a better life with the commodity available to use in products.
Chuck Heimerdinger got permission to travel around the mine to take these photos some 50 years ago. Look at the grades these electric trains had to deal with. That took a lot of men and machines to make it work.
Everything is big...and dangerous. Old #728 has a crane in tow for some project down the hill.
Ugly brutes they are as they are as utilitarian as you can get.
Once on the flat bigger and more modern electrics take over to get the ore to the smelter.

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