Jul 24, 2013

Looking back on the Great Northern depot

I came across an old postcard that I purchased when Moses was a teenager and I realized again how commerce was the keystone to the vitality of any city worth its salt. The Spokane River was on both sides of Havermale Island where the depot stood and on the south side they used the channel for power generation with the Washington Water Power/now Avista.  

We tried to save the station in 1971 but failed by a 43/57 voter approval. The city announced they were going to save the tower when the issue was still in doubt. Some in the group called it the "Quinn Tower".  Mike Applegate called it a success a few years ago! What!...... the building got torn down! He replied yes, but you changed the minds of the BN corporate to save Tacoma, Livingston, Missoula, Helena and others when you showed them the buildings still had value even if they did not serve the railroads! I don't know if that is true but I loved hearing it anyway!  Jerry PS. There is no bell in the tower!

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