Mar 11, 2013

TV time at the Evergreen!

In preparation for the open house at the club we invited the media and KHQ TV showed up at 7:40 am to shoot live coverage of the upcoming event. Chad and Phil showed up to help me do the segment and I appreciated it very much. I can't get the news Face book video to attach properly to e-mails.
We got coverage in the local newspaper as well and the folks started showing up at 3 pm instead of the advertised 5 pm. The little guy was impressed with Jim's UP passenger train.
The shutter bugs were out in force as Burt's little teakettle was rounding the bend.
It's about 4 pm and the crowd thickens around the layout. Brock Nelson, in the green club shirt, rejoined the club after a few months absence and we are happy that he has returned and participate in the open house. Dorothy Gorley, in her 8th month of pregnant, took the time to make 4 dozen cookies for the troops to enjoy. The members seem to eat them faster than the guests. Look at that great vista with no cabinets in the way.
Rough and tumble Gas Turbine passes brand new fancy pants F units on the Union Pacific and shows the newbie how to make smoke and noise.
The Alaska Connection is apparent as Jim shows off his adopted state railroad where is spent the last 40 years of his life.

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