In 2008, with my friend Ralph and my grandson David, we went to the National Model Railroad Convention up in Chilliwack, Canada. Part of our adventure was watching Canadian trains passing by.
One of our tours was the Othello Tunnels that were built by the railroads back in the day through a winding canyon by the railroad wanted to go straight.
They accomplished it by drilling 5 or 6 tunnels with bridges between a very dramatic canyon.
Each tunnel was more dramatic than the other. The current bridge was not a railroad bridge but
made it into a hiking trail.
Look at this canyon. an you imagine King Kong coming up the river?
Another adventure that same day was Hells gate where we took the tram down to the river where there was a restaurant and viewing spots to enjoy. No skis were needed!
Did I mention that it was a model railroad convention? Some fantastic modeling was on display as well as sale tables to get good stuff!